Iced Raspberry Leaf Pregnancy Tea


Serves 4


x4 raspberry leaf tea bags (50% raspberry leaf)
x1 black tea bagx
1 litre diet Indian tonic water
x100ml sugar free blackberry squash concentrate
x1 lemon
Ice to serve


Boil 1 litre of water and add the tea bags, stir well and leave to cool.

Once cool remove the tea bags and place the tea in a large glass bottle or lidded jug in the refrigerator.

Chill until icy cold and then serve over ice in a tall glass with 25ml blackberry squash, 250ml diet Indian tonic water and freshly sliced lemon to garnish.

Raspberry Leaf tea is a natural remedy to encourage labour in pregnant woman. This tea is safe for general consumption but if you are pregnant please wait until 37 weeks pregnancy to drink! An added bonus for pregnancy is the Indian tonic water which really helps with those pesky middle of the night leg cramps!
